Frequently Asked Questions
What should my swimmer bring to practice?
Water Bottle
2 towels
Swim Cap
Kick Board
Water Bottle
2 towels
Swim Cap
Kick Board
What does a HOME meet look like?
Swimmers arrive (Usually around 4pm) Swimmers gather on the Grassy area of the pool. Check in, write down events if available 11 & ups warm up 10 & unders warm up Opposing team warms up Volunteer/Timer meetings National Anthem Meet begins (usually around 6pm) Events 1- 46 5 minute break Relays **If your child is not in a relay and you don't plan to stay you must let a coach know before leaving** |
What does an AWAY meet look like?
Swimmers arrive (Usually around 5pm) Swimmers gather in specified area with the team Check in, write down events if available Opposing team warms up 11 & ups warm up 10 & unders warm up Volunteer/Timer meetings National Anthem Meet begins (usually around 6pm) Events 1- 46 5 minute break Relays **If your child is not in a relay and you don't plan to stay you must let a coach know before leaving** |